"Hungry for Justice"
Mt. Lady 1ZUMY Comic Dub

"A Bomb Threat has been issued, and several villains with unknown quirks have been spotted fleeing in the vicinity. The call goes out for any available heroes to intervene! Fresh in pursuit of is the biggest new name in the hero business: Mount lady! Will she be able to catch the villain and get him to reveal where the bombs are? Or will she have to result to... alternative methods of interrogation?"
Phenomenal size/vore artist, 1zumy, reached out to us a month back, and immediately gears were turning to have this monster of a comic made into a new motion comic.
Though this time, we really mean "motion" comic! A majority of the panels were genuinely animated by the multi-talented Ame After Dark! Then tag on the lovely voicework from Jackie Spyce and Vanity Cain, and we have ourselves something special!
As always, support all of the talent that worked so hard to help bring this together:
1zumy - @1ZUMY1 & www.deviantart.com/1zumy
Jackie Spyce - @JackieSpyceVA
Vanity Cain - @VanityCainVA
Ame After Dark - @AmeAfterDark